Plants, Herbs, and Flowers For Your Spellwork Toolkit

Plants, Herbs, and Flowers For Your Spellwork Toolkit

Luck is in the air! It can be easy to get discouraged or get stuck feeling unlucky. Turning your luck around is easier than you may think, even in really tricky situations. Good luck is out there for you to grab when you need it, and plants and herbs are one of my favorite tools for calling luck in. I always uses herbs when I cast luck spells for my clients, and in this article I'll show you some of my go-to's for a variety of needs!

Herbs are such a great and versatile tool for use in magic. Many herbs can be consumed, which is a powerful way to bring the energy of your spell into your body. Make sure to always research your herbs before ingesting though as not all are safe for consumption. Get ready to change your luck for the better! I've included some of my favorites for love spells, money spells, protection spells and more! Plus I'll show you some easy ways to incorporate them into your witchcraft and daily life.

1. Ward off Bad Luck with Agrimony


About the Plant: Agrimony is a beautiful and powerful herb for sending curses and jinxes back to their source. If you believe someone may have placed a curse or hex on you Agrimony is a wonderful herb to go to for support. Even if there isn't a curse on you Agrimony can be used to stop them from coming your way. It can be used in both simple and complex spells. Agrimony has a long history of medicinal and magical use, dating back to ancient times!

Spell Suggestion: Here's a simple but tested protection spell. Mix equal amounts of Agrimony and black lava salt then spread it around the corners of your home for powerful household protection. If you have a mojo bag you can add a pinch of this mixture in to add an element of protection to your existing spell.

2. Change Your Luck in Love With Catnip

Lucky Cat Candle Spell Kit GreenAbout the Plant: Have you been unlucky in love for too long? Catnip is a powerful plant that will attract new love into your life. It's not only used for love though. The same catnip found at the pet section of any grocery or dollar store can be used for many types of spells. Our Lucky Cat Candle Spell Kit includes a cat candle in the color of your choice, a spiritual oil to match your intention, and a packet of catnip! This is a time-tested spell to bring in new love, money, or just about anything else!

Improving Your Spellwork: When doing any type of magic, be sure you're also addressing root causes of your problem. If you're too shy to meet a new person, add some Supreme Confidence Sachet Powder to your daily routine! I love to dust my hands with this powder before going into any situation where I need an extra boost. If you're not sure about doing a spell yourself you can have me or any of the talented spellcasters here at Parlour of Wonders perform one for you.

3. Get Lucky When Gambling With Buckeye

Black Eye Nut.jpgAbout the Plant: There's plenty of luck to be found at the casino or race track, and just as many magical herbs for calling it in. Carrying a Buckeye Nut with you while gambling will draw big money toward you. One of the most powerful ways of using a Buckeye Nut is to wrap it in a dollar bill and then place it inside of a mojo bag. Feed it with prosperity oil (like Money Magnet Oil!) or the smoke of any burning prosperity herb on Fridays to keep the energy going.

Be Safe: Keep in mind that not all herbs can be ingested! Buckeye is one such example, so be sure to keep it out of reach of young ones or pets.

4. Invite in Blessings With Passion Flower

PassionFlowerOrganic2.jpgAbout the Plant: Passion Flower is a beautiful plant that grows fast and is has tons of magical uses. Grow Passion Flower near your front gate to attract blessings and keep your home peaceful. If you don't have a green thumb or the ability to grow it outside of your home, fear not. You can instead sprinkle dried Passion Flower by your gate or even across your doorstep. Dried Passion Flower is also an excellent addition to mojo bags or spiritual baths.

Drink Up: A cup of Passion Flower tea at night promotes peaceful sleep. Also drink it before doing spellwork to help you enter a more relaxed, magical trance-like state!

5. Start Working With Sunflowers

Sunflower.JPGAbout the Plant: Sunflowers are one of my favorites, and there are so many wonderful ways to work with them. You can use fresh or Dried Sunflower Petals arranged in a circle around a candle to invoke the energy of the sun. This is perfect for drawing in happiness, fame, fortune, and shining a light on yourself! Keeping fresh sunflowers in your home or on your altar is a great way to invite this energy into your home even when you can't have a candle burning. You can also work with sunflower seed oil on your food or on your skin to invite the properties of sunflower into your body!

Powerful Money Magic: One of my favorite money spells is placing a sunflower seed in your wallet or change purse. What do seeds do? They grow! When you place the seed in your wallet say out loud: "I love watching my fortune grow." Want to protect that money you bring in? Throw in a black peppercorn to invite in some powerful protection.

You can also work with sunflowers by checking out the Fame and Fortune oil, sachet, and bath crystals from Parlour of Wonders! Or we can burn a Fame and Fortune Vigil Candle or Complex Candle Spell for you!

About TheLoveWitchNYC

The Love Witch NYCI'm a tarot reader, author, and magic-maker living in New York City! You can book a reading or spellcasting service with me right here at Parlour of Wonders!

During a session with me, I can provide spell suggestions for how you can strengthen your daily magical practice or how to transform your life situation to make more things go in the direction that you want. My specialities are love, relationships, career, spirituality, and ABUNDANCE.

It is my honor to assist you in deepening your connection to your spirit guides and teach you how to tap into an endless well of magic. I provide readings, vigil candle services and complex candle spell services to clients regardless of religious affiliation, gender expression, career or background.

Though I’m based in New York City, I exclusively use the Parlour of Wonders products you know and love in all the spellwork I do for my clients. You can find me online on Instagram as well as at!

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