
Potions of Love

Seven Powerful Potions of Love

Buchanan Moncure

Brewing Potions of Love is Easy with These Potion Spell Kits! Potions of love are such a powerful way to work. They are an extremely effective type of love magic....

Seven Powerful Potions of Love

Buchanan Moncure

Brewing Potions of Love is Easy with These Potion Spell Kits! Potions of love are such a powerful way to work. They are an extremely effective type of love magic....

Pulled The Tower? Combat it with Magic!

Pulled The Tower? Combat it with Magic!

Buchanan Moncure

Pulled The Tower? Take These Steps to Soften the Blow Pulled the tower? We've all been there! If you spend enough time with the tarot The Tower is sure to...

Pulled The Tower? Combat it with Magic!

Buchanan Moncure

Pulled The Tower? Take These Steps to Soften the Blow Pulled the tower? We've all been there! If you spend enough time with the tarot The Tower is sure to...

Human Figural Candles

10 Spells Using The Human Figural Candle

Buchanan Moncure

The Human Figural Candle Can Be Used in Many Spells   The Beeswax Human Figural Candle is one of my favorites of the many figural candles made by Parlour of...

10 Spells Using The Human Figural Candle

Buchanan Moncure

The Human Figural Candle Can Be Used in Many Spells   The Beeswax Human Figural Candle is one of my favorites of the many figural candles made by Parlour of...

Plants, Herbs, and Flowers For Your Spellwork Toolkit

Plants, Herbs, and Flowers For Your Spellwork T...

Buchanan Moncure

Luck is in the air! It can be easy to get discouraged or get stuck feeling unlucky. Turning your luck around is easier than you may think, even in really...

Plants, Herbs, and Flowers For Your Spellwork T...

Buchanan Moncure

Luck is in the air! It can be easy to get discouraged or get stuck feeling unlucky. Turning your luck around is easier than you may think, even in really...

January Capricorn New Moon Success Pyramid Spell

How to Do a Candle Spell: A Candle Magic How To...

Madame Pamita

Are you just getting started in spells and witchcraft? Don't yet know the right way to do a candle spell? I've written a book all about this topic called The...

How to Do a Candle Spell: A Candle Magic How To...

Madame Pamita

Are you just getting started in spells and witchcraft? Don't yet know the right way to do a candle spell? I've written a book all about this topic called The...

Gems can be used to infuse water with magic

How To Make Crystal Waters: Gem Elixir How To G...

Madame Pamita

Crystal energy can be added to water to make Gem Elixirs. Gem elixirs, which are also sometimes called called crystal essences or crystal waters, have been been a part of medicine...

How To Make Crystal Waters: Gem Elixir How To G...

Madame Pamita

Crystal energy can be added to water to make Gem Elixirs. Gem elixirs, which are also sometimes called called crystal essences or crystal waters, have been been a part of medicine...