Contact Us

We Care About Our Customers

We are a small business and we treat our customers like friends. If you have any questions about our products, shipping, appointments or recommendations, please reach out to us.

For the fastest response, use the Chat With Us box below (it's really us you're chatting with - not AI robots!)

You also have the option of sending us an email using the fields below, sending an email to us directly at, or leaving a voicemail or text at the phone number below.

We're glad you're here and we'd love to hear from you.

Contact form


‪(323) 364-4554



We are an online store only, so you can reach us in the virtual world 24/7 at

Our wholesale factory is not open to the public.

To maintain strict hygiene and safety we are a 100% mail order business.

Mailing Address:

Parlour of Wonders
8857 Canoga Ave.
Canoga Park, CA 91304