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Parlour of Wonders

Thursday Salt by The Love Witch

Thursday Salt by The Love Witch

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Qudrat Alvarez

I used the salt last Saturday for the first time. I put three pinches of salt in a little cloth bag and put the bag inside the car because I was going to travel to another state and my desire was to have an easy trip. Wow!!! I had the roads in front of me totaly free (a 2 hour and 15 minutes trip with no cars), without traffic (repeat, in forn of me, because the traffic was behind). I went to three places in that city on other state, in each time I got a place for parking, the first one, just arriving! without looking where to park! At night, when I was returning to my state it went the same, no cars in front of me, no waiting, no traffic in the front (again, a 2 hours trip, there were cars behind but not in front). It was an easy easy trip. In a few words: There was no waiting, no looking where to park, any lines at the super market, in the gas station I was the onlyone pumping gasoline, I was the only person dining at the restaurant (9:00 p.m. is the dining hour in Mexico). It was fantastic!! It's a must have for every one.