Madame Pamita's Tarot for Kindness
Get a Live Tarot Reading from Madame Pamita on YouTube and Support Ukrainian Elders
Every Sunday night, Madame Pamita offers tarot readings live on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter and 100% of the proceeds go to feed Ukrainian elders who are struggling with meeting their basic needs for food. Madame Pamita is partnering with Ivan Subbotin who delivers grocery packages to seniors.

Got a quick question? Want to have some tarot fun? Want to help support Ukrainians? Come with your tarot questions or just watch.
Join me Sundays at 7:30pm PT/8:30pm MT/9:30pm CT/10:30pm ET and get your cards read live "on the air." right after the Magical Mystery Marketplace.
Ask your questions and donate $10 per card to get a reading from me!
$10 = a one card reading from me, $20 = a two card reading, $30 = a three card reading, and so on!
Make your donations via
Don't want a tarot reading but want to make a direct donation? You can! Send donations of any amount via PayPal to
And be sure to follow Ivan on Facebook or Instagram to see the seniors you are helping.