New Moon Candle Spell Kit and Workshop Subscription
New Moon Candle Spell Kit and Workshop Subscription
Delivery every
I love the spell kits! I look forward to them each and every month. The items are oremium quality, and they're fun to put togeher. For me, though, the best part is Madame Pamita's workshop. She goes into more detail about the ingredients anad what they're used ofr and demonstrates how to put it all together. Beside that, I love her energy! Did I mention that the spells work, too?
I love hearing Madame walk us through the new spell each month. I think it's important to learn about the herbs, colors, candles and how we create magic for ourselves and others.
They're so beautiful that is hard to set them on fire. I have to take several photos to keep that beauty. It's so nice to set everything in place and lit the candles. They have magic in it, they work pretty fast and you can see those wishes becoming true in the next few days!!