What Does It Mean When You See 11:11?
Your Spirit Guides Have a Message for You!
Do you keep seeing 11:11? Have you been noticing repeating numbers on license plates on cars, the clock on your phone or addresses on the street? If so, something magical is happening for you. Your spirit guides are trying to send you a message.
Spirit Guide Messages Come to Us Through Repeating Numbers Like 11:11
One of the most common ways that our spirit guides reach out to us is through sending us numbers. Digital clocks, like the one on your phone, have really become an amazing tool in this sense because they are something that you may look at several times a day. Yes, you might just see a repeating number on your phone like 11:11, 2:22, 5:55, or 1:11 by chance, but if you notice it happening more often than usual, it means that your spirit guides are trying to connect with you.
What Do the Messages Mean? Why do I keep seeing 11:11?
I think of these as being something like spirits knocking at our door. The first thing I do when I notice one of these repeating numbers is to recall what I was focusing on at the time that I saw it. Was I daydreaming in a positive way about the future or was I worrying about something? Was I having a good memory from the past or was my mind on just what was right in front of me? Whatever I was thinking about, I know that it's a topic that my guides want me to pay attention to.
How Do I Know What My Spirit Guides Are Trying to Say with 11:11
I have been working for a long time on building communication with my guides, so they usually tell me right then and there what they need me to know, “Yes, you’re going to be ok,” “Let it go,” “Do it,” or whatever. If you’re just starting to build a connection with your guides and you see a repeating number, take a moment to reflect on what was on your mind at the moment you saw the number and then just try to “listen” to what they have to say about it. What they say to you won't be hearing in the "I'm hearing voices" sense. It will be more like "hearing" with your minds "ear," similar to seeing with your mind's eye. If you don’t “hear” anything right away, don’t fret. Your guides may just be knocking on your door to let you know that they are supporting you in whatever it was that you were thinking about.
What Do the Numbers Mean?
The actual number that you see repeating has some important meaning too. If you study some basic numerology, you can interpret the numbers that come up and it will shed some light on the message that your guides have for you. For example, if you were thinking about someone that you were interested in and you saw 2:22 on the clock, 222 indicates partnership and is a message from your guides that a serious relationship could blossom between you and that other person. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert in numerology though, below is a handy chart for understanding the messages behind different repeating numbers.
What Does 1:11 or 111 Mean?
Beginnings, Newness, Focused Concentration, Independence, Originality, Ambition, Will
What Does 2:22 or 222 Mean?
Duality, Division, Choice, Cooperation, Harmony, Support, Diplomacy, Patience, Partnership
What Does 3:33 or 333 Mean?
Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Expression, Creativity, Optimism, Enthusiasm
What Does 4:44 or 444 Mean?
Practicality, Orderliness, Patience, Logic, Hard Work, Loyalty, Building, Responsibility
What Does 5:55 or 555 Mean?
Adventure, Change, Freedom, Exploration, Variety, Sensuality, Curiosity, Travel, Imagination
What Does 6:06 or 666 Mean?
Harmony, Beauty, Nurturing, Responsibility, Understanding, Healing, Duty, Comfort, Service
What Does 7:07 or 777 Mean?
Philosophy, Wisdom, Invention, Contemplation, Introspection, Spirituality, Faith, Esotericism
What Does 8:08 or 888 Mean?
Achievement, Strength, Self Discipline, Power, Success, Authority, Manifestation
What Does 9:09 or 999 Mean?
Endings, Completion, Culmination, Time for Next Steps, Change, Graduation, Evolution
What Does 000 Mean?
Limitlessness, Unity, Nothingness, Truth, Divine Protection, Possibility, Space
What Does 11:11 or 1111 Mean?
Master Number, Prophecy, Intuition, Enlightenment, Adaptability, Sensitivity, Awareness
What Should I Do When I Get a Message From My Guides or see 11:11?
The next time you start to see 11:11 or other repeating numbers over and over again, take a beat to listen to what message your spirit guides have for you. The messages from our guides are always helpful, protective and positive. Whether the message comes through loud and clear or is a mysterious whisper, be sure to thank your guides for their help and love. The more you acknowledge them, thank them and pay attention, the stronger your communication with your guides will be.
This article about 11:11 was written by Madame Pamita and was published on YourTango and Medium.
Want to have an encounter with your spirit guides? Book a Spirit Guide Session with Madame Pamita.