How to Do a True Healing Spell
Healing Spells are Real
In the Live Magic Q&A Tea Party, I answer questions brought up by the Spell Squad about magic, the law of attraction, spirit guide contact, spells, past lives and more. One of the questions asked was "Is there a spell for alopecia?" Alopecia is the medical word for hair loss and this question brought me to a deep discussion about true healing spells and my personal healing spell story.
My Healing Spell Journey
When I was in my twenties, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - which is basically when your immune system sees your thyroid as a "threat" and begins to attack and destroy it (all autoimmune issues are basically this - your immune system attacking healthy tissue that it sees as a threat). My regular medical doctors told me to "just keep an eye on it." I didn't know how to keep an eye on it or what that meant, but I watched my mother go through a lot of pain and misery in her life because of autoimmune issues that caused not only Hashimoto's, but Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's Disease and more. I was just hoping and praying that I didn't go down the same path as she did.
My Health Began Deteriorating
When I got into my 40s, I suddenly developed Alopecia Areata - smooth, completely bare, bald spots about the size of a quarter on the back of my head. I was able to cover them with my thick hair, but I was still self-conscious about them and wanted to heal them. I went to a dermatologist, who gave me the diagnosis, shot cortisone into my scalp and said, "It's caused by stress." The cortisone shots would temporarily bring back a few tiny hairs but they would fall out again within a week or so. More bald patches started appearing and I began to panic (so much for keeping my stress levels down!).
When Doctors Failed, I Looked for Spiritual Solutions
When the doctor's failed, I began looking at spiritual solutions and true healing spells for my health issues. I began speaking affirmations ("My hair is full and covers my entire head"), I started to light Release and Restore candles and taking baths with Release and Restore oil. I began focusing on my healing, seeing myself as whole and healed.
Then My Spirit Guides Stepped In
Now, I believe that magic is working in conjunction with your guides, sometimes the magic comes purely from the intention, other times it works with synchronicities, but either way, it works to bring you exactly the solution that you need. As I was doing this work, I got the guidance that I should be looking for natural solutions - that there was something that I was missing.
Healing Messages Coming From My Spirit Guides
I looked online for information about Alopecia Areata and its causes and I "stumbled upon" (really, my guides led me to) the first piece of important information - that Alopecia Areata was an autoimmune disease (and therefore related to the other autoimmune diseases that my mother and I had experienced). From there, over the next few weeks, I kept looking for solutions to autoimmune diseases and again "stumbled upon" (yeah, the team was at it again) the key that unlocked the door. Someone had posted in a chat room about the fact that their Hashimoto's issues were resolved when they stopped eating wheat. When I saw this, my guides were like, "You need to try this!" and I figured, "What have I got to lose?"
I Listened and Followed Their Instructions
I committed to stopping wheat for a month to see what would happen. And a miracle happened! Within two weeks of quitting wheat, the hair started growing back on my head. After years of having these bald patches, and seeing them get worse, not better, I was seeing a profound turnaround. My hair grew back fully and now 10 years later, I haven't lost another hair (in fact the hair on my head has gotten thicker!)
They Also Introduced Me to Functional Medicine
The result of this was that I found research even more about autoimmune issues and discovered that there is a legitimate medical path that deals with autoimmune issues in a way that looks at diet as the source of inflammation - it's called Functional Medicine. I read this amazing book by Dr. Amy Myers called The Autoimmune Solution and got even MORE information and began seeing a Functional Medicine nutritionist who did a blood test to see which foods I have an allergic reaction to (which triggers an autoimmune response).
Do Your Own Healing Spell and Then Pay Attention!
Doing this was life changing. For me, it was better than any medical doctor's help with my autoimmunity. I am now healthier, more energetic, happier than I was in my 20s!
So... the point of all of this is that when you do a true Healing spell, it will work! It might bring you healing on the energetic level or it might bring you the synchronicities ("chance" encounters with the perfect people, places or information) that are exactly what you need. And, if you have an autoimmune issue, I urge you to do some online searching for Functional Medicine or read the book I linked above. Discover what is triggering your autoimmune issues and let go of those things that personally poison you. You can heal yourself - you can get better at any age!
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